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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Benefits of different colored fruits and vegetables

Benefits of different colored fruits and vegetables Everyone knows that contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and many other nutrients that are beneficial to the body. But many people may not know can be divided into many colors, each color has different nutrients and benefits. Eating a

Frequently asked questions about how to cure office syndrome

Frequently asked questions about how to cure office syndrome 1. Can office syndrome cured? Office syndrome can cured. The solution for is to change your behavior. When you gradually change your behavior along with physical therapy, your muscles and tissues will recover from the injury.

Dangerous diseases from “fruit flies”

Thailand is usually hot and humid all year round, and this is the type of climate where  fruit flies  can live comfortably. Therefore, Thai people may encounter fruit flies quite often, especially in areas with hot and humid weather. However, in addition to causing us annoyance, fruit

Gotu Kola and 10 great benefits that you may not have known

“Are you heartbroken? Drink Gotu Kola juice.” This sentence may have been heard in dramas or among our friends many years ago. But besides  Gotu Kola  helping to heal heartbreak, oops, internal heartbreak, Gotu Kola also has good properties that you don’t have to wait until you

Shiitake mushroom soaking water should not be used for cooking?

I’m not sure if anyone else does it like we do, but every time I pick up dried shiitake mushrooms to cook, I soak them in clean water until they’re soft. Then I cut the soft mushrooms into pieces. And before boiling clear soup or instant noodles.

Is it true that eating sweets makes your face age prematurely?

“Sugar ” is like a flavor enhancer that helps food and drinks taste delicious and is pleasing to many people. But did you know that consuming too much sugar has a very negative effect on your health? And is it true that eating sweets makes your face age

Where does the sour taste of coffee come from? 

Many people like coffee because of its strong, bitter taste that wakes you up! But there are many people who love the sour taste of coffee. Let’s reveal the secret of sour coffee and how to roast coffee to control the sour taste! Coffee, of

Benefits of shallots, an immune-boosting herb

Revealing the benefits of shallots, a Thai kitchen herb that fights inflammation and boosts immunity, and cautions against eating too much. Recommend peeling techniques that don’t sting your eyes. Shallots are a type of plant in the Allium genus, just like garlic, chives, and shallots. It

Super fiber! Vegetables help with bowel movements

Did you know? Our bodies can’t digest fiber. Revealing the mechanism of how fiber works and the food sources that shouldn’t be overlooked! Dietary fiber actually does not contain any nutrients and does not provide any energy to the body. It is just one component that