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Benefits of shallots, an immune-boosting herb

Revealing the benefits of shallots, a Thai kitchen herb that fights inflammation and boosts immunity, and cautions against eating too much. Recommend peeling techniques that don’t sting your eyes. Shallots are a type of plant in the Allium genus, just like garlic, chives, and shallots. It

Super fiber! Vegetables help with bowel movements

Did you know? Our bodies can’t digest fiber. Revealing the mechanism of how fiber works and the food sources that shouldn’t be overlooked! Dietary fiber actually does not contain any nutrients and does not provide any energy to the body. It is just one component that

Is fried tofu healthy?

Tofu is a vegetarian food rich in protein. It is easy to find, inexpensive, and has many types to choose from. One of the most popular tofu dishes is “fried tofu“. However, many people may wonder whether fried tofu is good for health or not? The answer is,

10 benefits of “Tofu” good for health

One of the foods that is known to be “good for health ” is “tofu”, which many people may think of first. Because tofu is known to be full of fat-free protein that is good for health, making tofu one of the ingredients in many healthy menus.

Benefits of Wasabi.

Wasabi contains some beneficial compounds. Such as isothiocyanates (ITCs), which are cancer-preventive compounds commonly found in cruciferous plants. One study found that ITCs extracted from the wasabi root inhibited the formation of acrylamide by 90 percent. A chemical reaction between proteins and sugars caused by

What is skincare?

Skincare refers to practices that help promote skin health , enhance skin integrity, and relieve skin problems on the face and body. In general, skincare products are divided into two main types:UFABET   Before choosing skincare products, you must know. Further advice