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Tag Archives: beauty

Benefits of Wasabi.

Wasabi contains some beneficial compounds. Such as isothiocyanates (ITCs), which are cancer-preventive compounds commonly found in cruciferous plants. One study found that ITCs extracted from the wasabi root inhibited the formation of acrylamide by 90 percent. A chemical reaction between proteins and sugars caused by

What is skincare?

Skincare refers to practices that help promote skin health , enhance skin integrity, and relieve skin problems on the face and body. In general, skincare products are divided into two main types:UFABET   Before choosing skincare products, you must know. Further advice

Consuming too many calories.

When a person consumes more calories than they use as energy. Their body will store the extra calories as fat. This can lead to obesity. Also, some foods and beverages. Especially those that are high in fats and sugars are more likely to lead to weight gain. Items that

What is the problem with BMI?

BMI is a very basic measurement. While it takes height and weight into consideration, it does not account for factors body such as: These factors can affect health. For example, high performance athletes tend have a lot of muscle and little body fat. They can