Since osteoporosis often does not show any abnormal symptoms or pain as a warning sign, people. Who are at risk and are wondering whether they have it should see a doctor to check their bone density, which can done using radiation. DEXA Scan is a method used to ยูฟ่าเบท assess the density of bones in various areas such as the spine, hips, fingers, wrists, shins, or heels. It is a method. That takes a short time to scan, has a low amount of radiation entering the body during the scan, and does not cause pain to the patient.
The bone mineral density (BMD) of normal people will more than -1.0, While those with osteoporosis will have a BMD between -1.0 and -2.5. However, those with osteoporosis will have a BMD less than -2.5.
Complications of osteoporosis
Osteoporosis can lead to bone loss, fragility, deformity, and fracture. It can also cause loss of height, hunching or forward-hunching, severe pain, and impaired function. It can cause bleeding or injury around the impacted bone, and serious fractures can cause disability or death.
Let’s avoid osteoporosis.
For those who do not yet have osteoporosis. You can find ways to prevent and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, including helping to strengthen your bones and surrounding muscles
- Exercise regularly, but do not overdo it and do not put yourself at risk of injury.
- Eat nutritious foods for the body’s benefits. Focus on eating foods high in calcium, such as milk, various beans, yogurt, kale, Moringa leaves, water mimosa, neem, ivy gourd, spinach, broccoli, etc. and foods high in vitamin D, such as liver, egg yolk, pumpkin, mushrooms, mackerel, sardines, salmon, orange juice, etc.
- Get some gentle morning sunlight as appropriate to increase your body’s vitamin D intake. However, people with other health problems should consult their doctor about the safety of sun exposure.
- Avoid or refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol, soft drinks, and caffeinated beverages.
- Be careful when using medications. Especially steroids that need to be taken continuously for a long period of time.
- People over 60 years of age should see a doctor to check their bone density.
Increase calcium with easy methods
Consuming enough calcium each day is very necessary for the body and increasing calcium can done very easily by simply drinking milk and eating foods. That contain calcium every day, along with eating foods. That contain other nutrients that are necessary for bones and going out to receive the gentle morning sunlight along with exercising at the same time will help strengthen the body and bones and make your health even better. Therefore, you should choose to eat foods that increase calcium, such as:
Milk and dairy products – Milk contains a high amount of calcium and the body can use it in large amounts. One carton of milk (250 cc) provides 300 milligrams of calcium. Therefore, we should drink milk every day, especially skim milk or low-fat milk. Two cartons a day will give us two-thirds of the calcium our body needs per day, and it is also calcium that is well absorbed.
Soybeans, various beans and grains Cereals
and grains that are often eaten in the morning also contain calcium such as oatmeal, roasted wheat germ, and various beans are also sources of calcium, Osteoporosis screening such as almonds, soybeans, white beans, raw black sesame seeds. Which contain up to 1228 milligrams of calcium, including firm tofu (not egg tube tofu) which provides 507 milligrams of calcium per 1 cup, etc.
Fish and small animals Fish include small animals that can eaten with bones or shells, such as sardines, herring, anchovies, and canned sardines. The amount of calcium per 1 cup provides 214 milligrams of calcium, or about 21% of the recommended daily intake of calcium. Salmon: 1 piece of salmon provides 259 milligrams of calcium. Small shrimp, dried shrimp.
Green leafy vegetables
Vegetables that are high in calcium and can use by the body, such as Chinese kale and Chinese broccoli, contain about 94 milligrams of calcium or 9% of the calcium you should receive per day. Broccoli is the vegetable with the most nutrients, Osteoporosis screening providing 114 milligrams of calcium. Cha-phu leaves, Moringa leaves, peas, water mimosa, and neem are vegetables that provide up to 354 milligrams of calcium. Cassia, ivy gourd, wild basil, especially young shoots of wild basil, provide up to 137 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams.